This rule applies to any of the column headers on the list. The arrow will be pointing down if the list is sorted in descending order (Z-A). If the list is sorted in ascending order a shaded gray arrow in the tab “Symbol” will be pointing up. To unsort the list, left click the tab “Symbol” again. To sort the list in ascending order (A-Z) for example, left click on the column header “Symbol” directly below the title of the watchlist. You are able to click and drag any security to where you wish within the watchlist.

TD Ameritrade is not responsible for the services of myTrade, or content shared through the service. MyTrade is a service of myTrade, Inc., a separate but affiliated firm. Your account and other personal information is not shared, but if you have a public MyTrade profile then that public display name is used. This ensures only valid data is retrieved and shared. When a user clicks on a Shared link, the only information that is passed from the browser to the thinkorswim application is the sharing link pointer all other data is delivered by our secure servers directly to the thinkorswim application. Only data that is validly shared from inside the thinkorswim application can be communicated via the sharing links themselves. The technology for sharing has been built into thinkorswim since early 2013 we have performed an internal security review and all of the data required to create the Sharing links is handled by our technology via our secure backend servers, not on your local computer or the public Internet. In designing the thinkorswim sharing system, we were very aware of the security concerns some users may have so we took several steps to ensure your data is protected.